January 15, 2019

Cider 14 (2018)

Apple Sourcing
Once again we bought two bins from Autumn Hills in Groton. Ann Harris, the proprietor, said they were low on seconds this year since they had been selling to a cider making place, but she gave me a good price on a mix of seconds and prime grade apples. Jim Serdy and I went up there for the morning one day and packed apples into used Wacker Silicon boxes I got from work. We sent 22 boxes to Ben in Maine via van carrier. While not the cheapest solution, the combo of Autumn Hills and General Courier gets us good fruit at a convenient location for a bearable cost.

Dave and Emily had a sizeable contribution of apples from the orchard in Five Islands and some wild harvested apples from around the island. Last year's hard cider had an excess of acid and lacked tannin, so Ben returned to making the pilgrimage to Poverty Lane in NH for a bin of bitter cider apples (Dabinett this time). They were low on fruit for outside sale this year at Poverty Lane, having suffered much loss from the depredations of animals.

I brought a symbolic contribution of GoldRush apples from my backyard in Somerville. 

Since I was out of town much of the summer for work and thus not actively keeping the squirrel population down, I lost a fair portion of my apples to squirrel damage. My GoldRush tree continues to be the star of the backyard espalier lineup - profusely and annually bearing since a young age, easy to train, and neither too much nor too little wood growth. And the apples are fantastic; packed with flavor, very crisp for a week or two after picking, store well in the fridge, good size.

Cider weekend was held a week later on the calendar and we were unlucky with the weather. Friday night was cold and clear, but nice.

Saturday was cold and rainy. 

The weather cut down on the number of day trippers on Saturday so we could all reasonably fit in the barn during the day.

Equipment Updates
This year we had two equipment projects. One was to hook up a rowing trainer as an additional power source to the apple grinder, the second was an elevator to move apples from a wash basin up to a spinning wash tunnel.

Eerik instigated the rowing trainer effort, buying a used one for a good price after arriving in Boston. He brought it in to my workplace and we tinkered with it in the shop after hours on Thursday evening. We removed the fan housing and machined a rigid shaft coupling to adapt the trainer hub to a piece of 5/8 shaft.

Later in Maine, a few of us had a productive hacking session after dinner on friday night.

we got a sprocket mounted to the trainer and worked up a mount for a hydraulic log splitter pump to couple by chain to the drive sprocket. 

With a bike freewheel on one side, we had to thin down the #40 sprocket perimeter so it could fit a bicycle chain. 

A quirk of the trainer is that the axle is mounted in soft rubber cups to the frame. This had the effect of making the axle deflect hugely as a pull stroke was applied, which made the chain coupling unworkable. Eerik, Ben, Keith, and Steven worked up an outboard support for the axle on the other side of the chain sprocket, which improved things. 

We worked out a mount and coupling for a hydraulic motor on the grinder, to spin the grinding drum shaft directly. 

Hydrualic hoses and other system elements were hooked up and testing commenced. 

The trainer was able to pump a good amount of oil around the circuit before the motor went in, but once the motor was put in the loop the effort required to pull the rowing stroke became unreasonable.

After more fooling around, our conclusion is that the hydraulic motor has a high pressure drop to get moving at all, and doesn't seem to be terribly efficient even if you get it going. It was clear that the rower was not going to contribute much to the grinder when coupled in this way.

Perhaps next year we will try to figure out a direct mechanical coupling. The main difficulty with this is placement of the rowing setup. Access around the grinder radially is already pretty constrained with sections taken up by input, feed push stick, output, and bike power shaft stations.

The new apple elevator, on the other hand, turned out wonderfully. Ben had been wanting to do this project for a few years and had gathered some parts ahead of time. This year he did some supporting woodwork in the weeks before cider and had it far enough along that a final push by Rachel, Steven, Ben, and Keith on Friday night got it to a beautifully functional state.

The final implementation involves the elevator at a steep angle, plunked into the end of a big plastic tub filled with water. 

Apples are fed into the water tub and gently picked up by the slats of the elevator. The action is powered by the same bike that runs the washing tunnel, coupled by V belt. The bike operator can push in a tensioning roller or not to cause the elevator to lift or pause as needed. The elevator allows a useful pre-rinse of the apples and makes feeding them into the wash tunnel a much easier and less wet job. Transferring apples into the low slung tank is a great job for the youngest of our cider workers.

One last minor improvement concerns press cloth. Last year I made up a set of new presscloths from what seemed to be the same 12oz cotton canvas I had used previously from Fabric.com, but due to either the weave or the sizing applied to the cloth, these had great difficulty allowing cider to flow through and we were not able to use them. This year I bought a couple purpose made presscloths from a cider equipment supplier, Oesco. The new special cider presscloths worked wonderfully and we'll most likely get some more of those next year. They are not cheap, but work very well.

We've been developing a standby cider weekend menu these last few years and continued with the running themes

Black bean tacos on Friday night, led by Ben and Alexis. This year we had dinner at the big barn rather than the shore cabin since it was cold and we had work to do in the barn on equipment after dinner.

Breakfast Burritos saturday morning, led by the Kaufmanns. Delicious as always.

Nebraska cream can Saturday lunch, led by Dave and Emily.

Chili, cornbread, and apple crisp led by Becky and myself. There was plenty of orchard grown corn and rye left from last year, so that got ground up in the country living mill on the press bike. 

I took home a good slug of the five islands corn and rye to grind at work for cornbread during our annual halloween chili cookoff.

We had plenty of help making dinner, and various supplemental food was supplied and prepared by other attendees. 

Ned and his friend engineered the return of his tasty cider donuts on Saturday.

Buckwheat pancakes on Sunday morning led by Ben and Emily. Sunday was quiet as usual, but cold and overcast. 

Cider Production
Total volume was not a record this year, but given the weather and lower attendance this was for the best as we could finish up apple processing mid afternoon and get cleaned up in plenty of time for dinner. The one thing that ran long was bottling last year's hard cider, with plenty of hard working attendees all day and Eerik continuing to work even after dinner. 

Ben reports that total juice produced stood at 745 liters, at over 70% yield. The sweet cider got nearly cleaned out Saturday, which is usually not the case. I took home somewhat less than usual of the hard blend in expectation of being out of the country for half the coming year. The rest was put in glass and transported to the cellar.

Thanks to everyone who helped make cider 14 possible! 

Thanks to Eerik for many of these pics.

You may find Ben's blog post on the same event here (using many of the same pics, since we drew from a common pool).


  1. As always, a pleasure to sit in my heated office and watch you and your friends' industry.
    All the best adventures to you and yours.

  2. Looks like a really wonderful time and plenty of good food.
