November 29, 2012

Man Doll for Buster

I've made some Purl Girls from Mimi Kirchner's wonderful pattern, but I wanted to develop a man doll to gift to little boys, such as my 1.5yr old son Combustion. I adapted the Purl Girl pattern, which unsurprisingly leads to a doll which is much like Mimi's style but less skillfully executed.

I think this guy turned out pretty cute though, and I'll be making some changes to the pattern and hopefully making a few more for my nephews.

The main changes from Purl Girl:
  • Longer, more muscle bound legs
  • Bigger chest, drastically V shaped
  • Non-articulated legs
  • Beard and taller boots

After sewing him up, its clear that the legs in particular didn't turn out quite how I imagined they would. Becky says his prominent hips make him very feminine, and his bum is not shaped too well. So next time I'll probably try to make the legs thicker with less hips and more bum. Also, I will scale back the taper in the chest area. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with him. The suspenders tabs are tiny pieces of pig skin and the suspenders themselves are lengths of Hug Snug seam binding


  1. Wow- I love him! I am thrilled to see what people do with the pattern. Are you on flickr? There is a group with pics of some amazing places that people have gone with the pattern.

  2. Mimi K! I'm honored to have your good opinion on my clumsy but earnest efforts. I must say after making this guy, I admire the pictures of your dolls on your blog all the more. The details are just so fantastic, lots of times I can't even imagine how you did something; particularly the head/ears/hair areas.

    I have checked out that flickr page, both before I made my first Purl Girls and afterwards to post pictures of the dolls I made for my daughters. Its cool to see how people adapt the design and execute it in their own way. My personal favorite is the Emily Dickinson one:
